Unerring Tips for High Performing WordPress Themes


In the last article we discussed about "Advantages and Disadvantages of Ecommerce Business".

“Doing The Same Thing Over And Over Again And Expecting Different Results”

This is what we call insanity. If you think that you are doing everything right but the desired result is still awaited, then you need to go back, test and then optimize your policies. We all have been ranting and raving about responsive themes, but we never dared to look beyond it. In this blog, we will discuss how to get high performance from your WordPress themes.

Gauging the performance of your Responsive theme

Choosing the size of a responsive web theme matters because it affects the end users as well as the web servers. Due to heavy weightage, server needs more time to get extra file and with each such file, extra milliseconds are added in the loading time. On the other hand the user have to wait till the total number of kilobytes are loaded. Apart from using Media Queries various WordPress themes now use several other techniques to respond to the browser's.

Being choosy pays off!

Designing a responsive website is more than just defining different number of columns in a website. This question was for all the websites designed for mobile users, without concerning the fact that these were CMS. Before choosing a theme you need to first go through the following set of questions:

Does your project needs a mobile development?

With the proliferation in the mobile devices it is highly unlikely for business owners with up to date market knowledge and trends to say no to mobile first technology. However, one cannot go on for adopting all kind of technological development. Though, earlier we had a choice for adopting mobile designs, but now with the advent of Google's algorithm it becomes crucial.

Read: Creating ​Mobile ​Responsive ​Design

How many steps do we need?

Performance of a responsive website depends highly on the screen it is viewed on. Responsive design does not mean that the screen should adjust on the mobile devices such as tablet, phablet or smartphones, wherein responsive means that your website must be fit to wide screen sizes. The best option is follow device-agnostic approach which focuses on web design instead of device functionalities.

Do you understand the layout and formatting of the responsive pages?

In order to craft a successful layout you need to display the elements one by one. Now, when it comes to wide screens we must make sure that the headings must be larger than the content, whereas when it comes to smaller screen the ratio drastically changes.

How to tailor your application for mobile devices?

Displaying content via multiple columns needs a particular hierarchical flow, as each page comprises of its own unique content and secondary content is the one which is displayed on more than one page. This content approach is difficult to follow while designing for mobile screen. You need to ensure that you need to remove the irrelevant content from the mobile screens. On contrary if you think that you need all those pages then draw out a proper methodology such as long scrolling to display you content. Further, as per thumb rule the elements which do not supports the title of the page is not the primary content.

Measure your Websites performance

Now after all the detailed analysis and study you have finally chosen a WordPress theme and have decided on the content placement and stuff, do not think that you have accomplished your goal. The next step is to know whether you did it right and is your website well accepted by users. There are numerous tools present in the market to gauge the performance of a website. However, you can count on Google Page Speed and for second choice keep Gtmetrix for analyzing the current performance of your website.

Read: 5 Best Things You Should Know About PHP 7

With 7 Google Page rank and Alexa rank 11, Gtmetix serves as an incredible tool for analyzing your website. Along with page speed results this tool uses YSlow ( a tool from Yahoo for measuring performance). Do not worry as you do not have to do much and all you need to do is to enter the url of your website to get a comprehensive performance report. Further, it allows comparative analysis for a healthy competition.

Poor performance!

Plugins can ameliorate the performance

One can certainly meter the performance of their website, however this leads to the crux: how to improve?

With a wholesome development of community existing for more than a decade have found solution of this unnerving questions. We have plugins namely auto optimize, WP Super Cache and several other which can work as a performance booster for your WordPress website. These plugins are easy to install and ready to use which have the potential to ameliorate the performance of a poor performing websites.

Present the cached version

Caching works as a performance booster!

As we know that every time a user enters a website, content is fetched from the server and then displayed on the browser. In case of static resources the data will fetched every single time a user visits the website. This is certainly not an optimal technique, as the server has to do a single task over and over again.

In order to optimize this functionality we have well engineered plugins such as WP Super Cache, which ensures that the users get to access the cached website which removes the unnecessary loading of content again and again.

I hope this might help you!


The long and short of the complete article is that we need to pull up our socks in order to do reach another level of web development. There are a lot of optimization techniques for WordPress which one can harness to provide top notch solutions.

Author Biography:

I am Savy Nacion, working as a technology specialist in Markupcloud, PSD to Wordpress conversion company, based in Rochester, New York. He has over 10 years of experience in the technology industry.

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