AngularJS Is A Superior Javascript Framework ­ Let's Explore Why


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One of the probable reasons why JavaScript is extolled across the globe is the availability of prolific frameworks that support JavaScript development. However, it has been observed that most of the frameworks only wraps a slew of existing tools, and do nothing much in addition to it.

Fortunately, AngularJS is a brilliant framework that has an edge over its competitors. It embraces a set of resourceful tools that have been incorporated after ensuring their smooth and flawless performance. Although one needs to have proper insights into the framework and get the requisite expertise to reap its benefits, there are several outstanding advantages that make it a much sought after choice.

Read: Building A Simple Product Management App Using Angular JS + Cygnite PHP + Bootstrap

This post will unleash a few worthy benefits of AngularJS.

1. Has an ideal framework size that helps develop a variety of apps

The most common cause that add to the bounce rate of a product is its loading time. If your application consumes a lot of time to load, most of your users will certainly prefer abandoning your app. Thus, it is better to scour the impact of a framework on the loading time. This can be proficiently analyzed by taking the framework size and time taken by the framework for bootstrapping into account. AngularJS consumes ~50 KB, and allows professionals to develop beautiful, feature rich applications with a flair.

2. Helps generate an intuitive UI

You can create dynamic interfaces for your web apps, as AngularJS allows one to extend the definition of HTML. This certainly makes it easy to tweak the UI design in a suitable manner and create a desired look and feel. The framework offers a list of various UI elements and ensure that all of them work seamlessly when integrated in a design. This adds to the agile app development, and delivers fabulous apps with an impressive UI design that are sure to enhance the UX.

3. Delivers precise results while catering to your client's needs

Programming for AJAX and DOM is not a child's play, but it definitely an arduous task. However, while working with AngularJS, the code becomes much organized and uncluttered that helps you efficiently manage the development of CRUD apps. The framework offers a better conceptualization to deal with it in a precise way while creating applications.

4. Augments parallel development

AngularJS brilliantly manages dependencies, though the dependencies are not completely eradicated. The integrated massive grid facilitates one to streamline multitasking and testing while keeping the risk to crashing at bay.

5. Minimal coding is required

Loaded with a whopping number of useful functions, AngularJS offers valuable features without demanding lengthy codes. Here are a few of its incredible functions.

It completely handles the MVC pipeline.

You can support a required data model by writing only a few code chunks.

You can implement HTML to create a desired view.

By the virtue of filters, you can easily tweak the data in a desired fashion without affecting the controller.

You won't need to tinker the code in order to manage the directives, as they can be handled in another way.

All these blissful features of the framework make it absolutely convenient for one to generate a high end application with just a simple and precise code.

Read: Building a Simple Form Using Angular JS and Cygnite PHP Framework

6. Makes single page app development easier

Although developing a single page application (SPA) is a daunting task, it has incessantly garnered a great popularity. By implementing the AngularJS framework for the same, you can proficiently create a high quality single page application, while ensuring a responsive design. This further facilitates an app with smooth and consistent performance that amazingly adds to a better UX.

Moreover, as these kind of apps are rendered on the client side, it dramatically reduces the network traffic and further improves the loading time. The framework is jam­packed with resourceful templates, routing, and more features that facilitate one to develop highly functional apps.

7. Aids application testing

The significance of testing cannot be overseen. One must test his application before launching it in the market. This helps one to ensure its flawless performance and deliver an impressive app that can compete with the fierce competition out there. AngularJS framework has been developed while keeping the testing into account. Understanding the proliferation of mobiles and the fact that app testing requires a lot of precision, the framework is powered with powerful services to deliver an astonishing product.


AngularJS is an invaluable JavaScript framework that is consistently going through reinventions. This is certainly further enhancing the framework and making it a better companion for developing stunning, intuitive and highly engaging applications. The above are just a few of its utile features, you will get a lot more under its hood.

Author Biography:

I am Savy Nacion, working as a technology specialist in Markupcloud, HTML to Wordpress Service company, based in Rochester, New York. With more than 10 years of involvement with the innovation area, I target carrying new and creative innovation answers for the organization to assist it with continuing flourishing in the business.

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