Showing posts with label Json. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Json. Show all posts

How to populate a select box using jQuery ajax json, php?

Hello Friends! With the help of Ajax and PHP you can easily populate a select box without refreshing the page. You can also do it using only PHP script but requires you to refresh the page every time you change the select box value. Here is a very simple and useful example how you can populate a select box without refreshing page.


1. Latest version of JQuery.

2. Very basis understanding of JSON.

3. A server side scripting knowledge to respond to Ajax request. In this tutorial I am going to use PHP as a scripting language.


There are 4 parts in this DEMO.

HTML page

The JQuery & Ajax (Client side code)

JSON structure

Server side code to populate dynamic page.


  <select id="category">

      <option value=""> Select Job Type</option>

      <option value="1">Technical </option>

      <option value="2"> QA </option>


 <select id="sub-category">

      <option value=""> Select Area Lead</option>



Include latest version of Jquery in your HTML page. Below ajax script will call server side script to get JSON data and populate select box. Add below script in your page.


    $('#category').change(function() {
            type: "POST",
            url: '',
            data: {'categoryID': $(this).val(),'isAjax':true},
            success: function(data) {

               var select = $("#sub-category"), options = '';

               for(var i=0;i<data.length; i++) {
                 options += "<option value='"+data[i].id+"'>"+ data[i].name +"</option>";              


And now in your server side page you may write below to fetch data from database.


We will first validate the category id and fetch data from database then return JSON response to UI.


if (isset($_POST['categoryID'])) {

    $id = trim($_POST['categoryID']);
    $result = array();
    $id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sub_categories WHERE category_id = $id");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

    $result[] = array(
      'id' => $row['subcatid'],
      'name' => $row['description']


    echo json_encode($result);



  {"id":10, "name": "Anderson"},
  {"id":11, "name": "Shane"},
  {"id":12, "name": "Shelly"}

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