Facebook style wall posting using Cygnite PHP Framework, Jquery, Ajax


The last article was about “Reading and importing CSV file into database using PHP” . Today I have interesting thing for you guys. Are you looking for social script as facebook comment posting with MVC architecture? Which contains share thoughts on wall, comment posting, delete using jquery, load more, ajax, you want to share Facebook like video. You may get many script from different sites but mostly paid and not modular MVC architecture and you will end up restructuring into MVC. So I thought to share with you the application where you will find all these features and many more on coming days. Also you can find the script hosted on GITHUB.

Step 1:

Download and extract (wallscript-master.zip) the code from GITHUB. Rename wallscript-master to wallscript.

Step 2:

Configure your database name into /wallscript/apps/configs/database.php. I have configured database: “tutorials” localhost with empty password, you can change if you have different.

Step 3:

Find the demo sql script inside /wallscript/apps/database/wallscript.sql. Run the sql file into your database using phpmyadmin or Mysql Workbench.

Step 4:

That's all. You are done. Now go to your browser and type url : http://localhost/wallscript/ You can see the screen as below.

Extract video from url:



Hope this small application is useful. You may alter the script to build much more features like Facebook or any other social network. 

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