Facebook style profile photo upload + Resize Image + Saving into database


My last article was “How to build Facebook style profile photo upload using PHP + JQuery + Ajax Part1”. . This is continuation of my last article, last tutorial I show you how to upload profile picture using jquery, ajax, in this tutorial I will show you how to create thumbnail to fit the profile picture and saving into database.

Profile Picture Upload and Thumbnail Creation:

To achieve this I am using Cygnite PHP framework, if you had built application already, would like to use tiny component rather than using entire framework, you can use standalone Cygnite File component for image uploading and creating thumbnail image.

In previous tutorial we already created controller, view and js files. Open apps/controllers/ProfileController.php, import namespace to include thumbnail component, and add below code after uploading the file upload success to generate thumbnail image. I am adding piece of code to upload, creating thumbnail image and saving into database below, you can update below code into our ProfileController.php uploadAction() as discussed in the part1 tutorial.

use Apps\Models\Profile;
use Cygnite\Common\File\Thumbnail\Image; // available in dev-master 
use Apps\Components\Thumbnail\Image; //available in v1.2.4

$status = Upload::process(function($upload)
    $upload->file = 'document'; // Your file input element name
    $upload->ext = array("JPG", "PNG"); // Add validation for image upload
    //$upload->size = '6144';// limit the size

    if  (isset($_FILES['document']))  {

        $fileArray = array();
        $fileArray = pathinfo($_FILES['document']['name']);

        if ($upload->save(array("destination"=> "upload",  "fileName"=>$fileArray['filename'])) ) {

            // Create thumbnail object
            $thumb = new Image();
            $thumb->directory = 'upload/'.$_FILES['document']['name'];
            $thumb->fixedWidth = 100;
            $thumb->fixedHeight = 100;
            $thumb->thumbPath = 'upload/thumbnail/';
            $thumb->thumbName = $fileArray['filename'];

            if ( $thumb->resize() ) {

                // Save profile information into database
                 $profile = new Profile();
                 $profile->name = 'Sanjoy Dey';
                 $profile->original_image_path = CYGNITE_BASE.'upload/';
                 $profile->image = $_FILES['document']['name'];
                 $profile->thumbnail_image_path = CYGNITE_BASE.'upload/thumbnail/';

            $response= array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Profile Picture Uploaded Successfully!' );
        } else {
            $response = array('status' => false, 'msg' => implode(', \n', $upload->getError()) );
        header('Content-type: application/json');
        return  json_encode($response);

echo $status ;

We are storing the thumbnail image into /cygnite/upload/thumbnail/ directory and saving into table 'profile'.

We will save the thumbnail image path and original image path into database as above. let me assume you have already set database connection into apps/configs/database.php

If you are building session based application. You can simply check user session id to identify user profile image and display it.

Using Standalone Cygnite File Thumbnail Component for creating thumbnail image:

If you are using standalone file thumbnail component to create thumbnail image (Discussed in previous post) than install file component from composer repository and below code to resize.

 require 'vendor/autoload.php';

 use Cygnite\Common\File\Thumbnail\Image;

 $thumb = new Image();
 $thumb->directory = getcwd().'/upload/profile-picture.jpg';// your dynamic image path
 $thumb->fixedWidth = 100;
 $thumb->fixedHeight = 100;
 $thumb->thumbPath = 'upload/thumbnail/';
 $thumb->thumbName = 'profile_thumbnail_image';
 if ( $thumb->resize() ) {
    // success


Hope you found this article helpful. If you are interested to write tutorial for us please post me. Please don’t forget to like, share with friends, or leave your comments below.

Keep visiting for upcoming article. Have a nice day.

Facebook style profile picture upload using PHP + JQuery +Ajax Part1


Hello Friends! 

In the last article we talked about “How to build Facebook style Autocomplete using Angular JS, Cygnite PHP, Mysql and Bootstrap template” . Recently I received a request from one of my reader that “How to build Facebook style profile photo upload, creating thumbnail and save into server ?”. I will write the same here today. You might have notice in many social network site, in profile page when you mouseover in your photo "Update Picture" or "Upload Photo" displays. It's looks cool, as it is not displaying such old type of file upload html element. In this post I will not be able to cover whole tutorial. So I decided to divide the post into part. In this tutorial I will tell you the best way to make "Facebook style profile photo upload using PHP, JQuery and Ajax."

To build this app, I am using Cygnite PHP Framework, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap template etc. Using framework make my job easier (Since bootstrap theme, inbuilt libraries, MVC, Widget etc), well structured, also gives flexibility to maintain code. If you don't wish use entire framework you can also use Cygnite File Component to do the same.

Installing Composer and Cygnite Framework:

So the first step is to install Cygnite framework to build our application, I am not going to write "How to install Cygnite PHP Framework", as it has covered in my previous article. Below links for Installation of Cygnite Framework but Cygnite v1.2.4 doesn't include File Upload feature, so please update composer.json to download latest framework code (dev-master) or manually update the framework core.

Cygnite Framework- Composer Installation

Manual Download from GITHUB

  Live Demo   Download

Step 1:
Let me consider you have already Cygnite installed into your machine. I have installed it into /www/cygnite/ directory. Now create a controller called ProfileController.php into your /cygnite/apps/controllers/ProfileController.php.

We will render the default view page using indexAction. We are not using layout here, but you can also use layout to make your view page much modular, flexible. Paste below code into your controller to call your view page.


namespace Apps\Controllers;

use Cygnite\Foundation\Application;
use Cygnite\Mvc\Controller\AbstractBaseController;
use Apps\Models\Country;
use Cygnite\Common\File\Upload\Upload;
use Cygnite\Common\UrlManager\Url;
use Cygnite\FormBuilder\Form;

class ProfileController extends AbstractBaseController
   protected $templateEngine = false;

   //Plain PHP layout
   //protected $layout = 'layout.base';
   * Your constructor.
   * @access public
   public function __construct()

   * Default method for your controller. Render welcome page to user
   * @access public
  public function indexAction()

   // Upload profile picture
  public function uploadAction()
    $status = Upload::process(function($upload)
        $upload->file = 'document'; // Your file input element name
        $upload->ext = array("JPG", "PNG"); // Add validation for image upload
        //$upload->size = '6144';// limit the size

        if  (isset($_FILES['document'])) {

            if ($upload->save(array("destination"=> "upload",  "fileName"=>"user_profile_".time()))) {

                $response= array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Uploaded Successfully!' );
            } else {
                $response = array('status' => false, 'msg' => implode(', \n', $upload->getError()) );

            header('Content-type: application/json');
            return  json_encode($response);


    echo $status ;

Step 2:
When you create a new controller you also need to create a folder into views/ as same name as controller but lowercase inside /cygnite/apps/views/ directory. I am creating my view page called index.view.php inside /apps/views/profile/index.view.php and paste below code to render our profile default image.

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<div class="col-sm-9">
    <form enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <div id="profile">
         <a href="javascript:void(0);">
             <img src="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?>/assets/img/no_image.jpg" class="profile-image"  id="profileImg"/>
               <span id="uploadTrigger"><b>Update Picture</b></span>
               <input name="document"  type="file"  id="file-id" class="active"/>
        <div style="top:2px;"> </div>
        <div id="status_msg"> </div>


Step 3:
Create a js file called profile.js into cygnite/assets/js/profile.js and paste below code. Cygnite is shipped with bootstrap so you can use it or use cdn link.

$(document).ready(function () {

    $("#uploadTrigger").on('click', function(event) {

//$('.hidden').removeClass('hidden').addClass( 'active');

$(":file").change(function() {

    var file = this.files[0],  name = file.name, size = file.size, type = file.type;
    //Your validation
    var imageType = new Array("image/png","image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/bmp");

    if(jQuery.inArray(type, imageType )  == -1) {
        $("#status_msg").html("Valid file formats are: jpg, jpeg,png, gif").css('color', '#F00000');
        return false;
    }  else {

        $("#status_msg").html(" ");
        if ($("#file-id").val() !== '') {
            var formData = new FormData($('form')[0]);

                url: 'upload',  //Server script to process data
                type: 'POST',
                //Ajax events
                beforeSend: function () {
                    $('#profileImg').addClass( 'profile-image-loading')
                                    .attr('src', '/assets/img/fb_loading.gif');
                success: function (data) {

                    if (data.status) {
                        var reader = new FileReader();
                        reader.onload = function (e) {

                            .attr('src', e.target.result);
                           return false;

                        $("#status_msg").html(data['msg']).css('color', '#009900');
                    } else {
                        $("#status_msg").html(data['msg']).css('color', '#F00000');
                        return false;
                // Form data
                data: formData,
                //Options to tell jQuery not to process data or worry about content-type.
                cache: false,
                contentType: false,
                processData: false
        } else {
        alert("Please select valid image.");
        return false;



Using Standalone Cygnie File Component for File Upload:

If you have already built an application and willing to use only standalone file component you can simply install Cygnite/File component using composer. I have installed composer globally in my system.

Create a composer.json file into your root directory where you want to install component, paste below code and save it.

  "require": {
    "php": ">=5.4.0",
    "cygnite/file" : "dev-master"  
  "autoload": {
    "psr-0": {
        "Cygnite\\Common\\File": "cygnite/file/"

Now open terminal/command prompt, change to your project directory where composer.json exists and issue below command to install File Upload Component to do the same stuff.

composer install 

I am creating index.php file to access Cygnite File component, and below code to access File Upload feature.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Cygnite\Common\File\Upload\Upload;

$upload = new Upload();

$upload->file = 'document';
$upload->ext = array("JPG");
$upload->size = '1024';

if(isset($_FILES['document'])) {

    if ( $upload->save(array("destination"=> "upload", /* "fileName"=>"demo_icon","multiUpload"=>true*/)) ) {
        $response = json_encode(array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Uploaded Successfully!' ));
    }  else {
        $response = json_encode(array('status' => false, 'msg' => $upload->getError() ));

    echo header('Content-type: application/json') .$response;exit;

Or you can also use Closure beautiful syntax as below.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Cygnite\Common\File\Upload\Upload;

function fileUpload()
    $status = Upload::process( function($upload)   {
        $upload->file = 'document';
        $upload->ext = array("JPG");
        $upload->size = '5000000';

        if  (isset($_FILES['document'])) {

            if ( $upload->save(array("destination"=> "upload",  "fileName"=>"demo_".time(),/*"multiUpload"=>true*/)) ) {
                $response= array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Uploaded Successfully!' );
            }  else {
                $response = array('status' => false, 'msg' => implode(', \n', $upload->getError()) );

            header('Content-type: application/json');
            return  json_encode($response);

    echo $status ;

Now you can call the fileUpload function as usual in core php and calling this method in ajax url will process your ajax file upload. Don't forget to Include all above necessary css and jquery files in order to make the app work.

Finally go to browser and call the application by issuing below url.



We sincerely hope you found this article helpful. In my next article (Part2) I will explain “How to create a thumbnail image / How to crop image using PHP?”. If you have specific topic in mind which you want me to discuss you may request tutorial.  Please don’t forget to share this article with friends or leave your comments below.

Keep visiting for upcoming posts. Have a nice day. :)

Facebook Style Autocomplete Using Angular JS + PHP + MYSQL + Bootstrap


Hello guys, in my last article we have explained to "Generate CRUD application within 2 min". Today I am going to discuss "How to make a Facebook style Autocomplete utilizing Angular JS, Cygnite PHP, Mysql and Bootstrap template”. Angular JS is awesome front end framework by Google used to build interactive web UI. Angular allow you to build clean structured, maintainable front end applications. This tutorial will help you to learn how to make autocomplete textbox using Angular JS, PHP, MySql, Bootstrap theme etc.

To achieve this we will also use Bootstrap UI with Angular JS. To save our time from writing queries and build clean MVC architecture we are also using Cygnite PHP Framework. You may use core php and mysql functions.

After downloading and installing composer we are ready to set-up Cygnite into our local machine and configure database etc. to get started with our next project.

Step 1:

First download the Cygnite either using composer or manually from GITHUB repository. You may also follow video tutorial to setup Cygnite into local system.

You may be interested to read Building A Simple Product Management App Using Angular JS + Cygnite PHP + Bootstrap

Step 2:

Download Angular JS, ui-bootstrap.js and paste into /assets/js/angular/ path. Create a view page called autocomplete.view.php into the apps/views/angular/ directory. Paste below code into your view page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
use Cygnite\AssetManager\Asset;
use Cygnite\Common\UrlManager\Url;
use Cygnite\AssetManager\AssetCollection;

$asset =  AssetCollection::make(function($asset)
  $asset->add('style', array('path' => 'assets/css/angular/bootstrap.min.css', 'media' => '', 'title' => ''))                
    /* ->add('script', array('path' => 'assets/js/cygnite/jquery.js'))
     ->add('script', array('path' => 'assets/js/angular/angular.min.js'))*/
     ->add('script', array('path' => 'assets/js/angular/ui-bootstrap.js'))
     ->add('script', array('path' => 'assets/js/angular/app.js'));
  return $asset;
<html ng-app="MyTutorialApp">
<title>Facebook Style Autocomplete Using AngularJS + PHP + MySQL</title>
<?php $asset->dump('style');// Style block ?>
<link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,300,700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </link>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?>assets/img/cygnite/fevicon.png" > </link>

 <input type="hidden" id="baseUrl" value="<?php echo Url::getBase(); ?>"/>
 <div class="navbar navbar-default" id="navbar">
 <div class="container" id="navbar-container">
 <div class="navbar-header">
 <a href="#" class="navbar-brand">
 <i class="glyphicon glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"></i>
   Angular JS Demo
 </a><!-- Brand -->
</div><!-- /.navbar-header -->

	<div class="navbar-header pull-right" role="navigation">
        <a href="http://www.appsntech.com/2014/11/facebook-style-autocomplete-using-angular-js-php.html" class="btn btn-sm btn-default nav-button-margin"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-book"></i>&nbsp;Tutorial Link</a>
        <a href="https://app.box.com/s/yqyq0toxuo5n7ton0vol" class="btn btn-sm btn-success nav-button-margin"> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></i>&nbsp;Download Project</a>
<div class="row">
	<div class="container">
	 <div class="col-sm-9"> 
	 <!-- Bind the country into the template -->
	<script type="text/ng-template" id="autocomplete-template">
        <span bind-html-unsafe="match.label | typeaheadHighlight:query"></span>

	<blockquote><h1><a href="http://www.appsntech.com/2014/11/facebook-style-autocomplete-using-angular-js-php.html">Facebook Style Autocomplete Using AngularJS + PHP + MySQL</a></h1></blockquote>

	<form class="form-search" ng-controller="angularAutocompleteController">
	Selected Country: {{selectedCountries.country_name}}
	<!-- Typehead to input field-->
	<input type="text" ng-model="selectedCountries" auto-complete ui-items="countries"   
	placeholder="Search Countries" typeahead="c as c.country_name for c in countries | filter:$viewValue | limitTo:10" 
	typeahead-on-select='onSelectPart($item, $model, $label)' 
	class="form-control" style="width:350px;">
       <i class="icon-search nav-search-icon"></i>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.2/angular.min.js"></script>

 //Script block. Scripts will render here
<style type="text/css">
.navbar{border-radius: 0;background: #438EB9;color: #fff;}
.navbar .navbar-brand {color: #FFF;font-size: 24px;text-shadow: none;}	

We are binding the typehead into the input field.

Step 3:

Create a model class called Country.php into apps/models/Country.php and paste below code.

namespace Apps\Models;

use Cygnite\Database\Schema;
use Cygnite\Foundation\Application;
use Cygnite\Common\UrlManager\Url;
use Cygnite\Database\ActiveRecord;

class Country extends ActiveRecord

    //your database connection name
    protected $database = 'tutorials';

    // your table name here (Optional)
    protected $tableName = 'countries';

    protected $primaryKey = 'id';

    public function __construct()
}// End of the ShoppingProducts Model

Step 4:

Configure database connection into your apps/configs/database.php. Than Create a controller called AngularController.php inside your apps/controllers/ directory and paste below code.

namespace Apps\Controllers;

use Cygnite\Foundation\Application;
use Cygnite\Mvc\Controller\AbstractBaseController;
use Apps\Models\Country;

class AngularController extends AbstractBaseController
    protected $templateEngine = false;
     * Your constructor.
     * @access public
    public function __construct()
     * Default method for your controller. Render welcome page to user.
     * @access public
   public function indexAction()
        $this->render('autocomplete');//Render view page
   public function countryListAction()
      $countryList = array();
      $country = new Country();
      $countryList = $country->select("*")->findAll('ASSOC');
       if (count($countryList) > 0 ) {
    # JSON-encode the response
    echo  json_encode($countryList);

}//End of your controller

Step 5:

Create a table called “countries” and import countries.sql from here.

Step 6:

Now create a js inside your /assets/js/angular/app.js and paste below code. In this file we will inject bootstrap ui module and use ajax to fetch countries from the database and we will bind the countries into the input field.


var app = angular.module('MyTutorialApp',  ['ui.bootstrap']);

app.controller('angularAutocompleteController', function($scope, $http) {

var baseUrl = $("#baseUrl").val();
 getCountryList(); // Load all countries with capitals
  function getCountryList(){  
        $scope.countries = data; // set the data into the countries

Step 7:

Go to browser and enter the url http://localhost/cygnite/angular/ type the country name and you will see countries are populating into the textbox.


We sincerely hope you found this article helpful. I will write more about angular coming days. If you would like to see specific you can also request tutorial. Please don't forget to like, share with friends, or leave your comments below.

Keep visiting for upcoming articles. Have a nice day.

Facebook style wall posting using Cygnite PHP Framework, Jquery, Ajax


The last article was about “Reading and importing CSV file into database using PHP” . Today I have interesting thing for you guys. Are you looking for social script as facebook comment posting with MVC architecture? Which contains share thoughts on wall, comment posting, delete using jquery, load more, ajax, you want to share Facebook like video. You may get many script from different sites but mostly paid and not modular MVC architecture and you will end up restructuring into MVC. So I thought to share with you the application where you will find all these features and many more on coming days. Also you can find the script hosted on GITHUB.

Step 1:

Download and extract (wallscript-master.zip) the code from GITHUB. Rename wallscript-master to wallscript.

Step 2:

Configure your database name into /wallscript/apps/configs/database.php. I have configured database: “tutorials” localhost with empty password, you can change if you have different.

Step 3:

Find the demo sql script inside /wallscript/apps/database/wallscript.sql. Run the sql file into your database using phpmyadmin or Mysql Workbench.

Step 4:

That's all. You are done. Now go to your browser and type url : http://localhost/wallscript/ You can see the screen as below.

Extract video from url:



Hope this small application is useful. You may alter the script to build much more features like Facebook or any other social network. 

If you are finding this tutorial helpful, please don't forget to share with friends, also leave your comments below. Have a nice day. Keep visiting for interesting articles.

Auto reload page content every 3 sec using JQuery, Ajax & PHP

Hello Friends!

Did you read my last blog “How to auto resize textarea based on the user input?”

If you have noticed that the Facebook/Twitter social networking sites repetitively search for new comments/tweets to display to the end user. It is pretty simple concept, which we can achieve using a simple script. It is approx. 10 lines of code. 

I thought this may be helpful for newbie and here I am going to write about "How to auto reload partial page and display number of tweets" with very few steps.

Step 1:

Create a index.php file and paste below code into it. Don't forget to include Jquery and Ajax framework in your page.

   var auto= $('#tweets'), refreshed_content;	
       refreshed_content = setInterval(function(){
            }, 3000); 										
    return false; 

Above script will call result.php page on every 3 seconds and fetch the number of tweet count. Replace id=123 with logged in user id. Next we are going to place a div where tweets count will get displayed. 

<div class=”container”>
<div id="tweets"> </div> 

Now let us create result.php to perform twitter live search and return the tweet count to the user. Copy  below piece of code and paste it into result.php to perform live database search. Here user_id is referred to the logged in user id to search against the database.

$userid = (string) (isset($_GET['id'])) ? $_GET['id'] : '';

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");
mysql_select_db("twitter", $link);
$sql = "Select * FROM user_tweets where user_id = '$userId' ";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $link);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo "Total $num_rows new Tweets ";exit;

That’s it. We are done. 

This small script will automatically fetch the number of tweets on regular interval and display to end user. You may modified this script accordingly to create a live notification system. 

Hope it will be helpful. Please do not forget to leave your comment below & share with friends.

How to split Large CSV file into multiple pieces?

Hello everyone! How are you doing? 

In my last article we have about “Latest PHP frameworks in 2014?”. Today I will impart to you one of my ongoing experience.

Recently I came across the task where I need to import large csv records into mysql database. It’s quite tough because your phpmyadmin will not allow you to import large file. That csv contains around 10 million records. You may think don't I use mysql LOADINFILE ? Due to some restriction I avoided and choosed my next option as csv spliting. First thing I tried to open that file, but it is displaying error as “File not loaded completely”.  

The reason behind the above error is excel can only handle 65,536 lines per sheet and it cannot open remaining records. I also tried to import this file directly into PhpMyadmin but the maximum time limit has exceeded. So the next thing what I did is I have increased the PHP "max execution time" but it was taking too much time to process it.

Now you must be thinking that How do i solve this problem?

Here in this blog i will show you how to solve this issue with very simple steps. You can easily solve it simply by splitting the large CSV file into smaller chunks. By doing that script will not take much time process.

You can simply download FXFisherman’s CSV Spliter program and run this program in your windows system. Installation is not required.

You can see below window when you run it.

              Now you may browse your csv file which you want to split, specify how many numbers of lines you want to have per csv and also another way you can simply specify max number of pieces. Now simply click “Split Now!”.

It will begin parting your csv into number of pieces. When this process is completed you should see a screen below.

Once process is completed you will find a folder contains chunks of csv file into it, in the same directory. 

Thank God! It Saved My Day. 

I was able to import 3 millions of records at the end of the day.

Do you have any other better or faster way to accomplish this job?

Hope this article will be helpful. Please do not forget to drop your comments below and share with your friends. It will encourage me to write many more such article for you. 

Keep visiting for new posts. If you find my articles are useful just follow my blog and subscribe to newsletter. 

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